Maximilian von Verri della Bosia

Maximilian Graf[1] von Verri della Bosia genannt[2] von Külberg auf Gansheim und Berg[3] (born 1824 – died 1909) was a Bavarian general.


Von Verri della Bosia was a member of an aristocrat family, which came originally from Alba, Italy. The family was ennobled by Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia in 1724. After his grandfather Josef Ascan Graf Verri della Bosia (1756–1828) moved from Alba to Bavaria, the title was recognized by the Bavarian king Maximilian I. in 1816. Maximilian's father was the Bavarian general Ascan Karl Graf Verri della Bosia (1790–1878).[4]

In the rank of Lieutenant General he was Generalquartiermeister and inspector of military training institutions from 1883 to 1888[5], and later Generalkapitän of the Leibgarde der Hartschiere.[6]

References and notes

  1. ^ Regarding personal names: Graf was a title until 1919, translated as Count, not a first or middle name. The female form is Gräfin. In Germany, however, since 1919 Graf/Gräfin is no title any more but part of the surname and thus following the given name(s) and not to be translated.
  2. ^ German: known as
  3. ^ Deutsches Biographisches Adelsrepertorium, Institut Deutsche Adelsforschung.
  4. ^ Verri de la Bosia (German), Pierer's Universal-Lexikon.
  5. ^ Bavaria - military leaders.
  6. ^ Adelige Lebensbilder aus dem Deutschen Adelsblatt 1906, Institut Deutsche Adelsforschung.